Of course we want to support children in need! Just not right now, okay? Here are five excuses to give at the grocery checkout when the cashier asks if you want to donate $1 to a children’s foundation!

“I donated yesterday.”
This excuse is a great way to avoid the guilt trip from the cashier, because it makes it sound you DO care about the children! But only on certain days. And really, certain days is better than NO days, right? Right.

“I left my wallet at home.”
This would be applicable in most other situations, but doesn’t quite work here. Try it anyway! The paradoxical nature of this excuse is probably good enough to distract the cashier long enough for you to pay for your groceries and get the heck outta there. He’ll never know what hit him!

“I can’t afford it.”
Sure, there are LOTS of things we’d like to be able to afford! A few strawberries, a case of soda, two gallons of ice cream, a thing of cream cheese, frozen buffalo wings, pre-sliced avocados, chicken breasts, vaccinations for the underprivileged children of the world. But we can’t have it all! Just the first seven.

“I just read a study that says only 4 cents of that dollar would make it to children.”
Sometimes the truth hurts. And so does a lie!

“Do you want to donate a dollar to a children’s foundation?”
Why is it an issue if you don’t want to donate? Does the CASHIER want to donate instead? I bet he’s not so tough when the tables are turned! Will HE crumble under a guilt trip? It’s gotta be soooooo easy to dish it out, but let’s see YOU come up with an excuse, bagboy!

And there you have it! Next time you’re ambushed by a noble but unrealistic request for children in need, you’ll be prepared. Just remember, you’re happier with the dollar. Happy shopping!